
Dear Brianna,

This is your coming of age--Sweet 16! 

Although, I am hundreds of miles away, I love you dearly and I want to be a memorable presence in this special moment. 

You are no longer that baby girl who I loved so much. You are on the verge of becoming a woman now, and I love you still. You are a sweet and talented, gift from God. I see your extraordinary potential. The thought of you and your experiences, warm my heart. God has blessed you with wonderful, attentive parents; I honor them for this inspiring accomplishment.

As you will learn, life’s opportunities and challenges will introduce themselves to you. You will be charged with recognizing when they appear, and making sound decisions by using your faith in God’s Word, the lifelong lessons from your parents, and the critical thinking skills you have learned throughout your life. I am most confident in your ability to be a great young woman. So, slip on your dress and heels (lessons learned and experiences made), and walk into womanhood with everlasting dignity that displays love, faith and hope.

You are truly the Sweetest 16!


Aunt Val

I have collected some very special sentiments, from very special people who love you, and are thinking of you for this important occasion—Your Sweet 16!
Just a few “Short and Sweet…16” words of love, wisdom, inspiration and more! Here’s to you, Bri! 

We love you! Smile and share!

Happy Sweet 16 to our sweet, smart and beautiful daughter, Brianna. You've only just begun. May The Lord Bless You immensely.

Love Always,

Mom & Dad 



You were born a beautiful baby and have grown into a beautiful young lady. God has blessed you with a great mind. I want you to always remember that I love you, and I hold you close in my heart. God has great things for you. Reach and get them, and stay humble. Happy 16th birthday, Brianna!


Your “Granny"


"Happy Birthday Brianna! I hope all your birthday wishes come true."



"Happy Sweet Sixteen. It seems only a short time ago that I was awakened with a big, ‘GOOOODMORNING’ by a little girl in diapers. You have reached a significant milestone in your life--not just because you can legally obtain a driver's license in the state of Alabama!  But, you have reached the age that people look for you to make responsible, adult-like decisions. I am so proud of the sweet, talented young lady you have become. We know you will not disappoint!" Oh, and it's ok to have a little fun too! #TEAMBRIGETSAKIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Birthday!





It amazes me to see you grow from this sweet little girl to such an accomplished young lady. Through these years, I feel as though I have another little sister.

Happy Sweet 16!





You are one of the sweetest people I know. I hope your day is as wonderful as you are.

Happy Birthday!!!




I love you Bri. You are a beautiful young lady with a great future. Continue on. May God bless you always.

Happy 16th Birthday!

~Aunt Mildred


Brianna…my Toot-newk. Today, you are celebrating your Sweet Sixteen! The occasion must have been named after you, because you’re so sweet, kind, beautiful and smart. When God gives me a little girl l want her to be like you. God has blessed you so much. Never let anyone tell you what you can’t do, my little prodigy. Keep striving for greatness because you are great. Always know I love you so much.

~Uncle Vince


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    Brianna has come of age, but to some of us, she will be forever young.

    We dedicate this song to you on your Sweet Sixteen!

    Nice cake!
    Fabulous Mom and Dad to a fabulous and sweet sixteen year old Brianna

    Brianna, May the grace and favor of God continue to greatly increase your gifts. Have a beautiful Sweet Sixteen! Love, Aunt Boopea
    Brianna, I hope you have a wonderful birthday. Have fun because it only comes once. FELIZ CUMPLEANOS! Lil Ced
    PictureBrianna, Cedric, Richard, Cameron
    Hi Brianna,
    I am happy you are celebrating your Coming of Age. You are nice and you deserve the best Sweet Sixteen party ever! 
    I hope you get lots of good gifts too! 
    Your cousin, 

    Happy Sweet Sixteen from Sydney!


    Val Ambrose
    Blessed aunt to Brianna, the sweetest 16 year old, on the verge of womanhood.

    Brianna as Pocahontas.


    January 2014